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Theme 1.0 Installation Steps

Downloading the app onto a 1.0 theme

Websites using a 1.0 Shopify theme will need to manually add a code snippet to complete the installation of the app. If you would like one of our developers to do this step for you, please contact us at support@trywithmirra.com

Installation steps for 1.0 themes

  1. Download the app
  2. Complete the onboarding steps and choose your settings
  3. Copy and paste the below code script into your product pages from the Theme Editor

{% for selling_plan_group in product.selling_plan_groups %}
    {% if selling_plan_group.name == 'Try with Mirra' %}
        {% liquid
            assign selling_plan = selling_plan_group.selling_plans[0]
            assign selected_variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
    (function () {
        // Convert the selling plan, product and variant to JSON so that we can use them in JS
        let tryWithMirraSellingPlan = {{ selling_plan | json }};
        let product = {{ product | json }};
        let selectedVariant = {{ selected_variant | json }} || {};
        let extensionSettings = {{ block.settings | json }} || Object.assign({
            customCss: '',
            mobileBreakpoint: 768,
            maxWidth: 44,
            width: 100,
            mobileWidth: 100,
            height: 3,
            margin: 'auto',
            marginTop: 0,
            try_items_max: 3,
            buttonBackgroundColor: '#121212FF',
            buttonTextColor: '#FFFFFF'
        }, window.TryWithMirraExtensionSettings || {});
        const customerTags = {{ customer.tags | json }} || [];
        const shopMetafields = {{ shop.metafields.mirra | json }} || {};

        const tryWithMirraProductProperties = {

        // Add the TWM product properties to the window object so that we can access them in the TWM script
        if (!window.TryWithMirra) {
            window.TryWithMirra = {};
        window.TryWithMirra.productProperties = tryWithMirraProductProperties;

        // Fire event for TWM product button loaded
        window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('tryWithMirraProductButtonLoaded', { detail: { ...tryWithMirraProductProperties } }));

<!-- This div should go under the "Add to cart" button where you want the Try with Mirra button to display -->
<div id="try-with-mirra-product-container"></div>