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  2. Integrations
  3. Importing Orders outside of Shopify

ShipStation Integration to Import Orders

Importing Orders into ShipStation

Integrating ShipStation with Try with Mirra allows for direct importation of orders into the 'Awaiting Shipment' section. To facilitate this, you will need to locate your API Key and API Secret in ShipStation and provide these details to Try with Mirra

Step 1: Accessing Your ShipStation Account

  1. Log into your ShipStation account.

Step 2: Locate API Settings

  1. In the top right corner, select My Profile.
  2. In the left sidebar, click on API Settings under the Account section.
  3. This page displays your API credentials, including your API Key and API Secret.

Step 3: Providing API Details to Try with Mirra

  1. Copy both the API Key and the API Secret.
  2. Submit these details to Try with Mirra.

Important Note: If you regenerate your API keys, update Try with Mirra with the new details as previous keys will be invalidated.

Support Note: If you encounter any issues or require assistance, our support team is ready to help. Contact us at support@trywithmirra.com, and we'll guide you through the process.