Ideas to Optimise Your Email Flows with Try with Mirra

Implement "Free Home Try-On" in your email marketing strategies to enhance the customer journey.

Tailor your customer email campaigns by incorporating "Try with Mirra" to effectively communicate with customers at different stages of their buying journey. Use a targeted approach to encourage higher engagement and conversion rates.

Cart Abandonment Emails

Enhanced Messaging:

    • Customise cart abandonment emails to highlight the benefits of the TBYB service. Include a message like, "Not sure? Try for free!"

Post-Purchase Follow-Up

Encourage Feedback:

    • After a purchase where the "Try with Mirra" service was used, send a follow-up email asking for feedback on their experience. This can help you gather valuable insights and improve the service.
    • Example: "Thanks for using our Free Home Try-On! We’d love to hear what you think and how we can make our service even better."

Review Requests

Leverage Successful Experiences:

    • For customers who keep their purchases, send a review request email encouraging them to share their experience with the TBYB experience.
    • Customise the message to prompt specific feedback on the trial experience, such as ease of use, decision-making process, and satisfaction with the product selection.

Re-engagement Campaigns

Target Inactive Users:

    • Identify existing customers who haven’t made recent purchases. Send them re-engagement emails with incentives like special offers or highlights of new products available for trial.

Educational Content

Inform and Engage:

    • Create a series of emails designed to educate customers on how "Try with Mirra" works and its benefits. Use this series to address common questions or concerns that may prevent customers from using the service.
    • Consider a welcome email for new subscribers that introduces them to the "Try with Mirra" option as a unique selling point.

Upsell Opportunities

Cross-Sell Based on Trials:

    • For customers who have tried specific products, set up email flows that suggest complementary items they can purchase or try next. For instance, if a customer tried a dress, recommend a matching accessory or shoes as an upsell opportunity.

Support Note: For assistance in setting up these customised email flows or integrating "Try with Mirra" with your existing email marketing strategies, please contact Our team is dedicated to helping you maximize your email marketing effectiveness.