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Managing Your First Try Order

Steps & what to expect for your first Try order

Congratulations on receiving your first order through the Try with Mirra service! 🎉

Here's a step-by-step guide to ensure the process is smooth for both you and your customer.

Article Summary:

1) Order Received: Pack and ship the order as usual

2) Trial Period: When the order is delivered, we will contact the customer to complete the order in our Customer Portal

3) Order Completion: When the order is complete, we'll send you an email summary. For items purchased, you'll receive the payment as usual through Shopify. For any return requests, promptly email a return label to the customer if you have chosen to do this manually.

Step-by-step managing your first Try order:

  1. Order Notification

    You'll receive an alert for the order in Shopify as usual, marked with a "Try with Mirra" tag. The total value will show as "$0," indicating payment is pending, but rest assured, the customer's card details are securely saved.

  2. Processing the Order

    Pack and dispatch the order as per your usual process.

  3. Customer's Trial Period

    The trial period commences upon delivery. We'll contact and remind the customer to finalise their choices within the trial time.

  4. Customer's Selection

    The customer will be directed to the customer portal to select which items they wish to keep or return, and request a return label if necessary.

  5. Order Summary Notification

    When the customer completes their order, you'll receive a summary email detailing their choices, including items kept and items being returned.

    1. Items Purchased: Payments for items kept will be processed as usual through your Shopify account.

    2. Returns Requested: If manual return label sending is part of your settings, promptly email the return label to the customer.

  6. Receiving Returns

    Inspect any returned items quickly to confirm their original condition and re-stock the items. In the unlikely scenario there is an issue with the returning items, you can make any necessary adjustments tot he return as per your store's policy.